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A2Z and L is for..


Hello all, another day and another manicure for the A2Z nail challenge. This one has me stumped lol, I mean lines should be easy right? But not for me as I wanted something different and had a total block on what to do!!
To the first thing I tried was colour block nails again.. 

Yet again like last weeks A2Z, there was something about this that I didn't like! But I couldn't tell you what.
So off it came and started with a matte white base again, and thinking what else I could do...

In the end I came up with a fan brush design using acrylic paint.

And I am much happier with this one!
Before topcoat.

After topcoat.

I used the blue paint first, then the pink and lastly the white to tone the other colours down a bit.
Click here for the main hub page, and take a look below at all the other L for Lines mani's, and till next time stay safe and much love..

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