Hey Beauties!
I'm sure you've probably already heard about L'Occitane holiday collection made in collaboration with Pierre Hermes, one of the most known french pastry chefs. I also got a few of the products from this pastry inspired collection and today I'll share my thoughts on it.
Olivier Baussan, the founder of L'Occitane, invited his friend Pierre Herme, a pastry chef to compose a collection of scents for L'Occitane. He gave him total control over what scents to compose. Inspiration behind these scents was their mutual love of Mediterranean and the Island of Beauty - Corsica.
The result was a collection, or rather three, of unique scent combinations which were: jasmine, immortelle and neroli, grapefruit and rhubarb, honey and mandarin.
Olivier Baussan was the one designing all the pretty bottles and creating color schemes of these collections.
First collection is all about the fact that opposites attract. The scent of these products combine jasmine, immortelle and neroli. It's a white floral fragrance with addition of golden flower.
Base notes: petitgrain, pink pepper, lemon.
Middle notes: jasmine, immortelle, neroli.
Base notes: amber, white wood, musk.
Body Lotion
It comes in this pretty simplistic white and yellow design with gold top. The bottle is plastic and transparent, which makes it easy to see how much you have left. I especially like the gold top, although the opening system is not my favorite. You push it on one side and it pops up on the other side. It's not convenient, because you have to squeeze the product through a little hole. Since it is a body lotion, I do use a lot of it. The gold detail however, is very nice. Best part is that you can unscrew it off and maybe put it on some other packaging.
Btw, on the back of the packaging I noticed they also have braille writing for blind people. Big thumbs up for that. I haven't seen this on any other products from other brands.
The lotion itself is thinner in consistency and white. It spreads really easily and I would describe it as lightweight. It absorbs quickly and definitely leaves behind a quite strong scent. It's not for someone with dry or very dry skin, because this provides a very light moisturizing effect. I almost see it more as a summer product, which also provides you with a very long lasting fragrance.
Scent is interesting. At first I wasn't sure if I would like it, but it grew on me. I am not a fan of floral scents at all (I prefer sweet and woody notes), but it definitely smells very sophisticated and grown up. I've noticed that most "pricey" popular perfumes are actually floral, that's why the connotation of sophistication in my mind.
In the beginning it smells way too floral for my taste and the scent is very strong. After a while it becomes more amber woody, which is when I like it the most. I was sure, I'm not gonna like it because of the flowers in it, but once this dries to base notes, it becomes very nice. Floral sophisticated woody based fragrance.
Price: 23.40€.
The collection also includes Eau de Toillete, shower gel, sparkling body powder, lip balm, hand cream and soap.
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Photo by L'Occitane |
It's combination of rhubarb, cloves, nutmeg and grapefruit. It's a soft and subtle fruity citrus combination.
Top notes: grapefruit, rhubarb, lemon and cypress.
Middle notes: cloves, nutmeg and lavender.
Base notes: cedar and vetiver.
Hand Cream
Hand cream is also on the thinner side of consistency. It almost looks a bit whipped or mousse like, because it's not really as runny as body lotion. The shea butter gives it mousse like consistency and a bit of buttery grip to your hands. It's not greasy in any way and it absorbs into skin quickly. It does provide some moisture and softness to the skin, but a very light layer. It's definitely not your heavy duty winter hand cream. The scent makes it that much more appealing, because it really fills the room while you're applying it on.
The first punch of this fragrance is definitely grapefruit. It starts of very citrusy. Later I get more of a cloves note, but I'm not great at describing scents so I'll just leave you with, it's very citrusy and kind of spicy. A very intriguing smell, which I would almost prefer in summer and spring, because of the fresh citrus. It also smells very yummy in a way, like you'd want to eat it.
Packaging is standard hand cream tube. Design of this collection is a mix of turquoise and peach. My favorite color combination of all collections.
Price: 7.60€.
In the collection you can also find Eau de Toilette, shower gel, body lotion, lip balm and soap.
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Photo by L'Occitane |
The third collection combines honey, mandarin and immortelle. It's a very sweet fruity smell.
Lip Balm
The lip balm is enriched with shea butter and it helps to nourish and protect sensitive thin skin on the lips. This is my favorite products from all collections.
Packaging is very much inspired by mandarin with orange and lightly yellow shades. It's a very practical tube and the applicator has little hole through which you squeeze out the product. Because of the consistency you can easily squeeze out the tinniest amount possible and it doesn't spill all over or anything.
Lip balm has a thicker greasier consistency, but it can still be very thinned down and it actually reminds me a bit of honey itself. It's lightly orange colored. On the lips it leaves a faint peachy shade and it's very shiny. When you pucker the lips together it's very smooth and not sticky.
It definitely acts as a protective layer, but it also moisturizes the lips. I feel like it makes them soft and protects them from cold.
It's also my favorite scent from all these collections. It smells of mandarins and very sweet. I don't so much smell the honey, but rather the sweetness of it. It's so reminiscent of winter, because of the mandarin and I absolutely love sweet scents.
Price: 7.60€.
This is the smallest collection and it has this lip balm and hand cream. Shame really, because I love this smell the most and would love to own fragrance or body lotion in the same scent.
The swatches of all three products. From left to right: Jasmine-Immortelle-Neroli body lotion, Grapefruit-Rhubarb hand cream and Honey-Mandarin lip balm.
L'Occitane always makes really pretty packaging and those collections are not exceptions. I really like the cute, but simplistic design. It's functional as well as very eye catching because of the bright colors. Fragrances are unique combinations. I like Jasmin-Immortelle-Neroli, because of the woody base that it has to it. The boy lotion itself could be a bit richer in consistency for my taste. I will probably heavily use it in warmer days. Hand cream is nice, but also nothing special. If it were't for the lovely fruity smell - Pamplemousse-Rhubarbe, I probably wouldn't take a second glance at it. It's very basic, quick absorbing in thin. I like my hand creams to feel a bit greasier and more buttery. I really love the lip balm. The Miel-Mandarine scent is super sweet and fruity. Lip balm itself is thick and very moisturizing, but it also provides a nice thick protective layer.
*Products were sent to me by L'Occitane.
Prepričana sem, da ste že slišali za L'Occitanovo praznično kolekcijo v sodelovanju z Pierre Hermejem, enim najbolj znanih francoskih pekov slaščic. Tudi jaz sem dobila nekaj izdelkov te slastno navdihnjene kolekcije in danes bom z vami delila svoja mnenja o teh izdelkih.
Olivier Baussan, ustanovitelj L'Occitana, je povabil svojega prijatelja Pierra Hermeja, peka slaščic, da sestavi kolekcijo vonjev za L'Occitane. Dal mu je popolno svobodo ustvarjanja. Inspiracija je njuna skupna ljubezen do Mediterana in otoka ljubezni - Korzike.
Rezultat njunega sodelovanja je kolekcija, oziroma kar tri, ki kombinirajo unikatne vonje: jasmin, suhocvetnica in neroli, grenivka in rabarbara, med in mandarina.
Olivier Baussan je ustvaril dizajn stekleničk in izbral barvne sheme kolekcij.
Prva kolekcija temelji na dejstvu, da se nasprotja privlačijo. Vonj kombinira jasmin, suhocvetnico in neroli. Gre za dišavo bele note vrtov z notami zlate cvetlice.
Zgornje note: petitgrain, rožnati poper in limona.
Srednje note: jasmin, suhocvetnica in neroli.
Osnovne note: jantar, beli les in mask.
Mleko za telo
Dizajn je simplističen z kombinacijo bele in rumene. Zamašek je zlat. Steklenička je plastična in prozorna, kar pomeni, da z lahkoto vidimo koliko izdelka nam je ostalo. Še posebej mi je všeč zlat zamašek, čeprav mi sam sistem odpiranja ni všeč. Na eni strani se potisne dol in na drugi strani se pokaže majhna odprtina. Odprtina je zelo majhna zato je potrebno kar dolgo stiskati izdelek ven. Glede na to, da gre za mleko za telo, ga seveda naenkrat rabim več. Najbolj mi je všeč ta zlat detajl, ki se lahko odvije in namesti na drugo embalažo.
Mimogrede, na zadnjem delu embalaže sem opazila Braillovo pisavo. Tega še nikoli prej nisem videla na izdelkih drugih znamk. Velika pohvala za to.
Mleko za telo je redkejše in belo. Z lahkoto se razmaže in opisala bi ga kot lahkoten izdelek. Zelo hitro se vpije v kožo in za sabo pusti precej močan vonj. Ni za nekoga, ki ima suho ali zelo suho kožo, ker je učinek vlaženja res majhen. Bolj se mi zdi kot izdelek za poletje, ki poleg vlaženja omogoča tudi zelo obstojen vonj.
Vonj je zanimiv. Najprej sem mislila, da mi ne bo všeč, ampak mi je prirasel k srcu. Nisem oboževalka cvetličnih vonjev (raje imam sladke in lesne vonje), ampak ta je vsekakor sofisticiran in odrasel vonj. Opazila sem, da večina dražjih parfumov vedno vsebuje veliko cvetličnih not, zato ta miselnost, da me spominja na nekaj sofisticiranega.
Na začetku je zelo cvetlični vonj in to precej močan. Čez čas pa postane bolj jantarno lesni, kar je meni veliko bolj všeč. Prepričana sem bila, da mi ne bo všeč zaradi cvetlic, ampak ko se posuši, začenjo prevladovati lesne note in je odličen vonj. Cvetlično sofisticiran z lesno podlago.
Cena: 23.40€.
Ta kolekcija vsebuje tudi toaletno vodo, gel za tuširanje, lesketajoči puder ta telo, balzam za ustnice, kremo za roke in parfumsko milo.
Gre za kombinacijo rabarbare, nageljnove žbice, muškatni orešček in grenivke. Je nežen in subtilen sadno citrusni vonj.
Zgornje note: grenivka, rabarbara, limona in cipresa.
Srednje note: nageljnove žbice, muškatni orešček in sivka.
Osnovne note: cedra in vetiver.
Krema za roke
Krema za roke je redkejša. Na nek način me spominja na mousse, ker ni tako tekoča kot mleko za telo. Karitejevo maslo je tisto, ki daje kremi konsistenco moussa in malo maslenega občutka na rokah. Ni mastna in se hitro vpije v kožo. Zagotavlja lahko vlaženje in mehkobo, ampak je telo lahkotna. Zagotovo ni bogata krema za zimo. Vonj jo naredi še bolj zanimivo, saj res zapolni celotno sobo med tem, ko si kremo nanašate na roke.
Prvi vonj, ki se začuti, ko kremo odprete, je grenivka. Začne se zelo citrusno. Za tem pride vonj nageljnovih žbic. Ampak opisovanje vonjev mi ne gre najbolj, zato bom rekla samo, da je zelo citrusen in začimben vonj hkrati. Zanimiv vonj, ki bi mi bil skoraj ljubši za poletje in pomlad, zaradi svežih citrusov. Je tudi zelo okusen vonj, ker me spominja na nekaj, kar bi pojedla.
Embalaža je precej standardna za kremo za roke. Dizajn te kolekcije je mešanica turkizne in breskvaste barve. Moja najljubša barvna kombinacija izmed vseh kolekcij.
Cena: 7.60€.
V kolekciji najdemo tudi toaletno vodo, gel za tuširanje, mleko za telo, balzam za ustnice in parfumsko milo.
Tretja kolekcija združuje med, mandarino in suhocvetnico. Je zelo sladek in sadni vonj.
Balzam za ustnice
Bazlam za ustnice je obogaten z karitejevim maslom in pomaga nahraniti in zaščititi tanko kožo ustnic. To je moj najljubši izdelke iz teh kolekcij.
Embalaža izgleda kot mandarina, s kombinacijo oranžne in svetlo rumene barve. Je zelo praktična embalaža z aplikatorjem, ki ima majhno odprtino skozi katero iztisnete izdelek. Zaradi konsistence balzama za ustnice je zelo lahko dozirati željeno količino in všeč mi je, da ni nobenega odpada izdelka.
Balzam za ustnice je gostejše teksture, ampak nanos je lahko precej tanek in na nek način me spominja na med. Je rahlo oranžno obarvan. Na ustnicah pusti tanek sploj breskvastega odtenka in je zelo svetleč. Ko ustnice drgnete eno ob drugo je občutek zelo gladek in nič kaj lepljiv.
Vsekakor ustvari zaščito na ustnicah in jih hkrati vlaži. Občutek imam, da jih naredi bolj mehke in ščiti pred mrazom.
To je moj najljubši vonj izmed vseh kolekcij. Diši čisto po mandarinah in sam vonj je zelo sladek. Meda ravno ne voham, bolj njegovo sladkobo. Vonj me zelo spominja na zimo, zaradi mandarin. Obožujem take sladke vonje.
Cena: 7.60€.
To je najmanjša kolekcija. Poleg tega balzama za ustnice vsebuje še kremo za roke. Res škoda, ker obožujem ta vonj in bi z veseljem imela toaletno vodico ali mleko za telo s tem vonjem.
L'Occitane vedno ponuja čudovite embalaže in te kolekcije niso izjeme. Res mi je všeč luškan in preprost dizajn. Je funkcionalen in hkrati pritegne pozornost z živimi barvami. Dišave so unikatne kombinacije. Všeč mi je Jasmine-Immortelle-Neroli zaradi lesne podlage. Mleko za telo bi lahko bogatejše za moj okus. Verjetno ga bom več uporabljala v toplejših dneh. Krema za roke je v redu, ampak nič posebnega. Če ne bi bilo tega sadno sladkega vonja - Pamplemousse-Rhubarbe, me verjetno sploh ne bi pritegnila. Je zelo osnovna, hitro vpijajoča in lahka. Jaz imam raje bogatejše in bolj mastne kreme za roke. Balzam za ustnice mi je zelo všeč. Miel-Mandarine vonj je super sladek in sadni. Sam balzam za ustnice je precej gost in zelo vlažilen, hkrati pa nudi dobro debelo zaščito v hladnejših dneh.
*Izdelke mi je poslalo podjetje L'Occitane.
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