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BornPretty Store discount code and Nailpolis account

Hi everyone!

Quick post with lots of talking today, because I have some news for you!

Now, I think you all know BornPretty Store already, right? But just in case:
They are an online store for just about everything beauty related: they sell nail art items, nail polish, make-up, jewelry, hair decorations, clothing, and so on.

I've bought some great things from them in the past (holographic polishstudsdazzling multicoloured polishglow in the dark polish...) and I've always been very happy with them and never had any trouble.

The reason I'm telling you about them, is because BornPretty Store has contacted me to do some reviews of nail art items they sell on their website - and I said yes of course, they have great items (for very small prices). I'm very much looking forward to it!
So in a few weeks I will have some reviews for you! These will be the first "real" (sponsored) reviews I ever do, so I hope everything goes according to plan and the designs I'm going to do work out :)

BornPretty Store also gave me a coupon code to use to get 10% off when I purchase something - but it gets better! Not only I can use this code, but you as well (hurrah)! Here's the code (and I've also put it up in my sidebar so you can find it more easily): XDX31

And some more news about that: BornPretty Store has offered to sponsor a giveaway when 10 people have used this discount code - so if you want to purchase something, don't hesitate to use it! :)

And then some other news: I've recently joined Nailpolis - I don't know if you've heard about them yet, but they profile themselves as an online museum for nail art. They invited me about two months ago and I was a bit sceptical at first to be honest - just because: "who are they? where do they come from? why do they want to create this online museum for nail art?" and so on, but I have completely turned around now.

It's just a great platform to get to know even more nail artists - I have already seen some incredible designs and met amazing artists I otherwise wouldn't have known, so I'm very glad I took the chance and joined!

Nailpolis works like any other social media: you can create your own profile and upload nail art and swatches, look at other people's nail art and participate in contests (and win awesome polishes)!
Let me know if you're on there too, because I'd love to follow more people. You can also always find me here: http://www.nailpolis.com/artists/Robin

If you're not on Nailpolis already, you can also always request an invitation on their website, if you want :)

That's about it for today's announcements! Thanks for reading everyone! :)

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