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Christmas Nails - Christmas Tree

Well as promised I did another water marble design for my Christmas Tree theme of my Christmas Nails Challenge. It took me a while to find two shades of green that went well together, and some trial and error getting the right pattern drawn in the polish dropped into the water. But I got there in the end, although now the smell of polish has given me a headache!.
Started with two coats of Wet 'n' Wild french white as a base, and to make the greens pop more.

For the water marble I used Sinful Colors in Envy and Beauty UK Green, from their Wild Child Collection. Then I used Barry M Red Glitter and MUA Gold Crackle Glitter, to add dots to each tree. Even though the MUA is a crackle polish, its dotted beautifully with no cracking, which was what I was after.

I'm happy with the overall effect, but think I went too mad with the dots. The stars at the top of each tree are water decals.

Hope your enjoying this Christmas Nails Challenge, as much as I am doing the designs. I'm also loving everyone else's that been joining in with me :) So till the next one, its bye for now...much love :)

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