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Let's Go Blue Jays, Let's Go!!!

Here's one for the home team!  It's do or die tonight for the Toronto Blue Jays; even though Sunday's game was a nail biter, tonight's game is going to be just as tense!  Here's to hoping the Jays win and move on to division series....otherwise, its the end of the season for them.  LET'S GO, BLUE JAYS, LET'S GO!!!

Started with a base of two coats each of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls with accent of Sinful Colors Endless Blue.

I made stamper decals last night, but forgot to top coat them either last night or early enough so didn't do until I sat down to do my nails this morning.  I kinda rushed the stamper decals; the clear was a little gummier than I wanted making the decals tacky and fragile; not the easiest to use.

Added the stamper decal to the thumb (with a little damage as it kind of disintegrated into the clear base because it was too fresh if this makes sense; the clear needed to harden a bit more really but was rushed!), then added images from my second custom plate, Canadian Nail Fanatic 002 with Fig Tree Stamps, using Girly Bits Cobalt stamping polish, and MdU black and white.

Added random dots using Jade Special Glitz Miami Beach and Jade Diamond Scarlet for filler, jazz it up a little and make it just a little bit girlier! 

Topped everything off with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

The hubs and I will be glued to the tv tonight at 8:08 and we're hoping the Jays win......LET'S GO, BLUE JAYS; LET'S GO! (clap, clap!)

I know this might not be your team but at least it might give some ideas for other sport team nails!

Thanks for looking!

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